The team

Team EFdeN
EFdeN is an NGO with over six years of experience and twelve successfully implemented projects. The team is comprised of 60+ students and graduates, passionate about sustainability and change, working interdisciplinarily in ten different departments. The team name comes from the mathematical function f[N] – where N is Nature. EFdeN has already participated in two previous Solar Decathlon competitions (SDE 2014, Versailles & SDME 2018, Dubai).

© Sigurd Steinprinz / BUW

© Sigurd Steinprinz / BUW

© Sigurd Steinprinz / BUW
The project

Using the Café ADA as an example, team EFdeN proposes a sustainable and affordable housing model that empowers single-living people by forming a community. It is designed to be easily constructed and adaptable to different urban scenarios and multiple usage cycles, featuring a close connection between humans and nature.
As efficiency and scalability are two of the teams main goals, the solution is based on a 4mx4m grid. On this grid, three types of single-living apartment modules and one private greenhouse module can be combined to adapt to any urban scenario. The modular solution is to be understood as the core of the design, being neutral enough for further customisation.
Moreover, the material used in the construction and the carbon footprint that the construction will use is detailed. To these are added various technical solutions from optical fibre for indirect naturall ighting and an automated blade system for the facade that controls direct light.
Electricity comes from bifacial photovoltaic panels that produce energy using both sides. Furthermore, the excess energy will be stored in second-life batteries from electric cars. Specifically, electric vehicle batteries that can no longer be used for their original purpose are configured and reused to create a sustainable storage system.
Of course, technology plays an important role. Still, the team also uses traditional solutions and materials: the structure of the house is made of structural straw wall panels, with additional thermalinsulation and wool, also inside, to cool the house in summer, a clay wall is integrated.

Visualisierung der Design Challenge

Grundriss der Design Challenge

Grundriss der HDu
Virtual tour
Dalia Stoian, Project Manager
Email: dalia.stoian[at]
Phone: +40 727 512 060