Mirke neighbourhood survey

© SDE 21/22
The Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 is about developing adapted yet transferable solutions for neighbourhood districts in European cities. This requires an in-depth understanding of the local circumstances as well as insights into attitudes and behaviours of local residents. That’s where the Mirke Neighbourhood Survey comes in.
In three surveys between May 2021 and August/September 2022, we explored how theneighbourhood residents would like to live and work in the future and what influence the corona virus has on this. The main focus and question was: What should a future – and post-Corona –neighbourhood look like to enable a good life for everyone?
The aim was to find answers to these and other questions and to enable citizens to jointly discuss the results and to actively shape their neighbourhood. The results will in turn support the municipal planning of the City of Wuppertal as well as the work of local initiatives and associations.

© SDE 21/22

© SDE 21/22

© SDE 21/22
Together in the neighbourhood
The Neighbourhood Survey offered the residents of the Mirke neighbourhood the opportunity to enter into direct and recurring dialogue with our research team. By participating in the Mirke Neighbourhood Survey, citizens could themselves become active. They provided insights into their routines and attitudes and shared their views on local challenges, transformation processes and important questions for the future.
A total of three surveys in 2021 and 2022 recorded ‘snapshots’ of the Mirke Neighbourhood, tracked developments over time and gathered suggestions for improvements.
The results and insights gained from the neighbourhood survey have been incorporated into the projects of the university teams participating in the competition. In addition, an optimal data basis on the interrelationships and interdependencies of the social and technical conditions in the neighbourhood was obtained. This was relevant both for the work of the SDE 21/22 research team and for the transfer of the competition innovations.
Join in!
All residents of the Mirke Neighbourhood over the age of 16 were invited to take part in the Mirke Neighbourhood Survey. Every household received a personal postal invitation from the City of Wuppertal in the summer of 2021. Additionally, there was the option to directly register online as well. The first survey took place in September/October 2021, followed by two more in February and August/September 2022.
Questions about everyday life in the Mirke Neighbourhood and what a neighbourhood should look like in the future to enable a good life for all form was the focus of the survey. Additionally, the participants could name topics that are important to them personally, and in this way help shape future questionnaires and research priorities.
Participation pays off: Views and personal experiences regarding life in the Mirke can be communicated simply and unbureaucratically. As a thank-you for participating, everyone received the
‘Meine-Mirke-Pass’ [My Mirke Card], which offered discounts, free drink vouchers and grea benefits in the neighbourhood.
We would like to thank our cooperation partners in the neighbourhood for their support: