Our Network
It is impossible to organise a major international event like the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 alone. We are therefore delighted to receive a large amount of support which allows Wuppertal to be the first German venue of the Solar Decathlon Europe.
We want to thank all our funders, project partners and cooperation partners for the great collaboration. All of them contributed to the success of the SDE 21/22 and its mission to make ourbuilding and living more climate-friendly, sustainable and future-oriented.
Public funding & funding administration

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports the planning, organisation and accompanying research of the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 as part of the funding programme ‘EnEff.Gebäude.2050’. This programme is part of an initiative from the German government that aims to achieve near climate-neutrality for building stock by 2050.

As one of the largest project management agencies in Germany, Projektträger Jülich (PtJ) works hand in hand with public authorities in science, industry, and policy-making. With its expertise in research and innovation management, PtJ supports its clients in the German federal and state governments as well as the European Commission in achieving their funding policy objectives. PtJ is affiliated with Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH.
Project partners

Based in the Netherlands, the Energy Endeavour Foundation (EEF) is a non-profit organisation with the mission to ensure the long-term operation of the Solar Deacthlon competitions in Europe.

The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy undertakes research and develops models, strategies and instruments for transitions to a sustainable development at local, national and international level. Sustainability research at the Wuppertal Institute focuses on the resources, climate and energy-related challenges and their relation to economy and society.

Mirker Bahnhof, an old building on Nordbahntrasse, a former railway line in Wuppertal, is the home of the urban Initiative Utopiastadt gGmbH. It shelters many different initiatives, projects and agents, including a bike repair shop, an urban gardening group, and open workshops. The initiative Utopiastadt refers to itself as a ‘City Laboratory for Utopias’ and provides room for civic involvement as well as for the cultural and creative industry.

The Neue Effizienz GmbH is a regional association of energy suppliers, companies, the University of Wuppertal, the Wuppertal Institute, and several municipal and regional organisations promoting businesses in the Bergisch City Triangle of Wuppertal, Remscheid and Solingen. Its goal is to enhancethe region’s energy and resource efficiency through active research, by facilitating cooperation, and by providing guidance and advice.

The WSW Wuppertaler Stadtwerke GmbH is the holding company of the municipal utilities and transportation provider of the City of Wuppertal. Together with its subsidiaries WSW Energie & Wasser AG and WSW mobil GmbH, the company is a service provider for municipal infrastructure, such as electricity and water supply, and the provision and management of public and freight transport.

With more than 363,000 inhabitants, Wuppertal is the largest town and the economic, educational and cultural centre of the Bergisches Land region. Situated south of the Ruhr region, the ‘City in the Countryside’ is the 17th largest town in Germany and one of the major hubs of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Advisory board
The SDE 21/22 advisory board was founded in 2019. Representing the different stakeholders, the board supports the project team of the University of Wuppertal with their expertise.
All nominations inalphabetical order.

We thank our cooperation partners
- Ackerhelden GmbH
- Alte Feuerwache Wuppertal gGmbH
- ansvar2030 Holding GmbH
- AWG Abfallwirtschaftsgesellschaft mbH Wuppertal
- Bergische VHS
- bund deutscher innenarchitekten bdia e. V.
- Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.
- Bundesverband Deutscher Fertigbau e.V. (BDF)
- camo.nrw (Centrum für automatisierte Mobilität)
- Christian Ochse Event Catering Service
- DETAIL – Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail
- Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG)
- Diakonie Wuppertal
- Dr. Werner Jackstädt-Stiftung
- Energy Endeavour Foundation
- Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V.
- Falken Bildungs- und Freizeitwerk Bergisch Land e.V.
- Flow Wuppertal - Student Living
- Fotografie Wolf Sondermann
- GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V.
- Gebrüder Dörner GmbH & Co. KG
- Gemeinnützige Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH Wuppertal
- GEPA Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Partnerschaft mit der Dritten Welt mbH
- Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf
- Holzbau Deutschland – Bund Deutscher Zimmermeister im Zentralverband des Deutschen Baugewerbes e.V.
- IEA Energy in Buildings & Communties Programme
- IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme
- IKEA Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
- Informationsverein Holz e.V.
- Insel e.V.
- Institut für Gebäude-Energieforschung Dr. Markus Lichtmeß
- International Solar Energy Society
- Jakob Leonhards Söhne GmbH & Co. KG
- Joh. Hoening & Co. KG
- Junior Uni, Wuppertaler Kinder- und Jugend-Universität für das Bergische Land gGmbH
- Laminat Depot – Peter & Schaffart GmbH
- Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen (LANUV)
- MOKI Robotics GmbH
- Neue Effizienz GmbH
- OAA - out and about
- Passivhaus Institut GmbH
- Paul Schockemöhle Logistics GmbH & Co. KG
- Publik e.V.
- Rainer Schildberg GmbH
- Reeder & Kamp KG
- renaissance Immobilien und Beteiligungen Aktiengesellschaft
- Stadt Wuppertal
- Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal
- Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V.
- The European Platform of Transport Sciences – EPTS Foundation e.V.
- tremoniamedia Filmproduktion GmbH
- TÜV Rheinland AG
- Überwachungsgemeinschaft Konstruktionsvollholz e.V.
- Utopiastadt gGmbH
- VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V.
- Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.
- VRD Stiftung für Erneuerbare Energien
- Wald und Holz NRW
- Westdeutsche Zeitung GmbH & Co. KG
- WSW Wuppertaler Stadtwerke GmbH
- Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH
- Wuppertal Marketing GmbH
- Zeppelin Rental GmbH