Out of Competition Awards
At the Solar Decathlon, teams competed with their projects in ten contests. In addition, there was a chance to win Out of Competition Awards at the event in Wuppertal. Institutions and associations from the field present the eleven awards. They focused on outstanding achievements and specific solutions for different topics of sustainable building and living.
One aim was to promote the transfer of knowledge between research and application. The organisers determine the award criteria and possible expert juries. The evaluations and public award ceremonies took place during the main event from 10 to 26 June 2022.
The OOC-Awards:
(in alphabetical order)
- Applied Mobility Sciences Award by the European Platform of Transport Sciences – EPTS Foundation e.V.
- Building for Future Award by the Local Council of Skilled Crafts Solingen-Wuppertal and the Chamber of Crafts Düsseldorf
- German Sustainable Housing Award by the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies (GdW)
- Green BIM Award by the Association of German Engineers (VDI), buildingSMART Germany and the BIM-Institute of the University of Wuppertal
- Human Centered Interior Architecture Award by the Association of German Interior Architects (bdia)
- Indoor Air Quality Award by the Association for Air-Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK)
- Mirke Choice Award Price of the Mirke District (Wuppertal)
- People's Choice Award Audience award
- Solar Award by the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme International Energy Agency (SHC)
- Sustainable Architectural Lighting Award by the Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e.V. (LiTG)
- Timber Construction Award by the Cooperation of Timber Construction Associations
Applied Mobility Sciences Award

Award Ceremony: Thursday, 23 June 2022
The award of the European Platform of Transport Sciences is given for the best integration of the mobility concept into the House Demonstration Unit. The focus is on making the mobility solution visible, whether through a modern parking space for a cargo bike or a digital solution that presents sustainable mobility options.
"The EPTS foundation e.V. supports the SDE 21/22 because we want to bring together interdisciplinary research and practical work. The award is an excellent opportunity to give young scientists a podium at the interface of architecture, urban development, spatial planning and mobility."
● Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Belz, Secretary General EPTS Foundation e.V.
Building for Future Award

Award Ceremony: Saturday, 18 June 2022
The craft sector is pleased to support the SDE 21/22 with a craft award that specifically addresses craftand quality execution. We have long advocated a greater interweaving of dual and academic training topromote a better-shared understanding of construction processes. The Solingen-Wuppertal District Crafts Association will organise the ‘Building for Future’ Craft Award as the representative of the localcraft for Wuppertal. The Centre for Environment, Energy and Climate of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Small Industries and Skilled Trades will support the organisation of the award.
The jury is made up of high-calibre members from the relevant trade associations: Maler und Lackierer Innungsverband Nordrhein, Elektro- und Informationstechnische Handwerke NRW, Tischler NRW, Fachverband Sanitär Heizung Klima NRW, Dachdecker Verband Nordrhein, BAUVERBÄNDE NRW e.V., Baugewerbe Nordrhein and Landesfachverband des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks NRW. The jury is chaired by master craftsmen Arnd Krüger.
German Sustainable Housing Award

Award Ceremony: Thursday, 23 June 2022
The central association of the German housing industry (GdW) presented the German Sustainable Housing Award – i.e. the prize for sustainable construction and housing in the city.These criteria were in the foreground for selecting the winning projects: quality of the floor plans, expected practical energy efficiency, urban planning quality and suitability for serial or modular construction and refurbishment.
"The housing industry is enthusiastic about the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 as a student competition for sustainable building and living in the city. We are looking forward to fresh ideas and, in particular, at affordable climate protection."
● Axel Gedaschko, President of the central association of the German housing industry (GdW)
Green BIM Award

Award Ceremony: Wednesday, 22 June 2022
The Green BIM Award stands for sustainable design, construction, operation and deconstruction of buildings using the BIM method and is awarded by the VDI (the Association of German Engineers) incooperation with the BIM Institute of the University of Wuppertal. The focus is on how digitalization and BIM can contribute to the improvement of resource efficiency, circular economy, CO2 reduction as well as recycling and reusability of building products.
Human Centered Interior Architecture Award

Award Ceremony: Saturday, 25 June 2022
The prize of the Association of German Interior Architects (bdia) is awarded to the outstanding interior design of a room that convincingly represents the dimensions of “surface”, “space”, “object”, and the interface to the people using it through innovative elements. Adaptability through sustainable life and usage cycles is a prerequisite.
Indoor Air Quality Award

Award Ceremony: Friday, 17 June 2022
The award from the Association for buildings and indoor air quality is intended to recognise innovative solutions for good indoor air quality through mechanical or hybrid ventilation technology. This includes new ideas for air distribution, methods for increasing ventilation effectiveness or well-designed heat and moisture recovery. The jury will pay great attention to all aspects of energy efficiency. Space-saving or architecturally integrated solutions are also honoured.
Mirke Choice Award

Award Ceremony: Sunday, 12 June 2022
The Mirke district in Wuppertal is not only the venue of the SDE 21/22 but also the architectural background of the competition and the subject of the accompanying urban research. The residents of the Mirke have their voice in the award and can vote for their favourite project. All teams are eligible for selection, i.e. not only those with an urban situation in Wuppertal.
People’s Choice Award

Award Ceremony: Sunday, 26 June 2022
The People's Choice Award Choice Award was the audience award of the SDE 21/22. All visitors could vote for their favourite project during the event. On the final day, the votes were evaluated, and the winning teams were awarded.
Solar Award

Award Ceremony: Friday, 17 June 2022
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and the international research cooperation program Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC), under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency (IEA), will jointly present an award. The Solar Award recognizes the most effective technical integration of a solar heating and cooling application that is replicable and contributes to the CO2 reduction of the energy supply of a building or urban neighborhood.
"As an international research network for solar heating and cooling that is unique in the world, IEA SHC members understand the power students and future researchers have to lead us toward a 100% renewable future, and what better way to celebrate the ingenuity and vision needed to achieve this than through the Solar Decathlon."
● Tomas Olejniczak, Chair of IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme, RVO, Netherlands
"At the Solar Decathlon young scientists will demonstrate their ideas of what is possible for the future energy supply in buildings and neighborhoods. This initiative is perfectly in line with the ISES’ vision, and we look forward to seeing the innovative ideas of the future on display in real projects."
● Prof. Dr. Klaus Vajen, President of ISES, University of Kassel, Germany
Sustainable Architectural Lighting Award

Award Ceremony: Saturday, 25 June 2022
In architecture, a future worth living is also based on the successful combination of natural and artificial light with reduced energy consumption. With the award for Sustainable Architectural Lighting,
the German Lighting Society honours innovative lighting solutions that combine technical, design, energy and social aspects.
"Promoting the importance of lighting in the context of sustainable construction is the aim of the sustainability award, which LiTG is offering for the first time. the Solar Decathlon Europe contributes to anchoring the topic in the minds of young people – with pioneering competition results."
● Prof. Dr. Thomas Römhild, Deputy Chairman of the German Lighting Society (LiTG)
Timber Construction Award

Award Ceremony: Sunday, 19 June 2022
The German Timber Construction is offering an award for innovative housing and energy concepts using wood. Wood as a building material makes a decisive contribution to the development of solutions that bring climate protection and resource conservation in line with the need for new and affordable living space in a sustainable way. Seven organisations from the timber industry have joined forces for the award: